Saturday, May 18, 2019

Gustazo's (Caribbean Groupon) Discount Resource

Puerto Rico is truly the Island of Enchantment. With so many activities and things to do its hard to make a decision when time is so limited. If you are visiting Puerto Rico on a budget or not we all like to get good deals on activities, food, etc. 

When we first moved to Puerto Rico we were scouring Groupon to see if they had any deals here since we are Groupon junkies but couldn't find anything in Puerto Rico. So we google searched and found a site for Puerto Rico and the Caribbean called Gustazos.

Gustazos is a great place to find exceptional deals on restaurants, activities like Snorkeling, kayaking, parasailing, touring the Bacardi factory, massages and much much more. 

One of my favorite excursions was to the Barcardi Factory with my children. They gave us some history about the factory walked us through the fermentation process and took us to the tasting room where we got to taste six different rums that they carry. The smoothest was a Special Reserve that they only sell at the factory you can't find it anywhere else. Hope you enjoy our blog and continue reading.

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